buckwheat noodles (soba)
If you are looking for healthy and low calorie food, here is one. It is tippical japanese noodle. It has antioxdant and helps to recover your body.
If you do buy fresh herbs and find it hard to get through a whole bunch, instead of throwing what’s left away make frozen stock cubes. Finely chop the herbs, put them in an ice cube tray and cover with oil. Put the tray in the freezer. When frozen, pop out the cubes and place them in a freezer bag for easier storage. Next time you need herbs for soups; pastas, etc. add a cube to your recipe and warm.
Olive oil
It is a healthy flavour some ingredient. Wide range of choices extra-virgin olive oil is good to use uncooked. Olive oil is not suitable for deep frying as it’s boiled in low templature.
This form of chemicals can harm our health so we want avoid that as much as we can. Basic principal is to wash the vegetables and fruits well. peelor remove fouple of leaves if you can. Boil or just leave cut vegetables in a water will also does the job. Try to eat seasonal vegetause tbles and fruits because there are usually less peticide being used.
When you boil vegitables, pinch of salt into boiled water brings water templature higher. As a result makes vegitables colour vivid and also makes flavoursome. Same reason for pasta, it gives good texture and flavour.
Everone loves sweet jucy tomatoes, this is how to not to dissapoint you. Select one thats heavy,red and star-like sporkes come out from the bottom of tomatoes. just like the one belowI found this on someones blog. Also tomato contains lycopene which has great antioxidants. You will love it.
Japanese root plantnown as ‘Japanese horseradish’. It has very strong flavour and used as spice.
You might have seen it as flavour of oriental snacks. This can normally use with soyasauce dipping sause and dip fish,meat,sushi and anything you fancy but also be used as part of the spice in sald dressing, marinade sauce and more you can explore the combination of the flavours. It has natural antibacterial effect that it can preserve foods longer or kills vacterias it’s great I personally love it!